Parcel Register Page Reduction
As of June 1st, you may notice that there are fewer pages in the Parcel Register. This is due to PDF upgrades leading to a reduction in line spacing. All… Parcel Register Page Reduction
Bulletin 2024-03 (Digital Certification)
What is happening? Effective June 17, 2024, ServiceOntario is excited to announce the pilot of digitalcertification functionality for Charge/Mortgage document types. This innovation marks a significant step forward in our… Bulletin 2024-03 (Digital Certification)
Bulletin 2024-02 Court Orders
Court orders often deal with legal interests in real property. They can also effectively curetitle issues and, in some circumstances, they may be the only appropriate remedy.
Paper Submission Limits and Airport Zoning Bylaws
As of May 25th, functionality will be introduced to allow users to: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Teraview Customer Service.
MLTT Admin Fee
Effective April 15, 2024, the City of Toronto MLTT Administration Fee will be $96.68 + HST. For more information, consult the City of Toronto site.
Changes to Land Transfer Tax Statements, Trust Transfers, New Privacy Disclaimer
The Nominal statements required to confirm that a conveyance is a trust transferee (statements 9051, 9052 and 9053) have been amended to confirm that registrants no longer have to forward… Changes to Land Transfer Tax Statements, Trust Transfers, New Privacy Disclaimer
Changes to Non-Resident Speculation Tax – Effective March 27, 2024
Note: Changes to Land Transfer Tax legislation impacting Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST) take effect on March 27, 2024. However, applicable changes to Land Transfer Tax statements in Teraview will not… Changes to Non-Resident Speculation Tax – Effective March 27, 2024
Bulletin No. 2024-01 OnLand Plan Pre-approval
What is happening? Effective January 15, 2024, the plan pre-approval service is moving to the OnLand portal…