On June 22, 2023, I alerted the profession to the malfunctioning of the Last Registered Instrument function in some rare instances for documents registered between June 5, 2023 and June… Last Registered Instrument Issue
We recently introduced a number of enhancements to Teraview, all as more particularly set forth in Bulletin 2023-02. All users should take some time to familiarize themselves with these enhancements.
It has come to my attention that there is a small issue with statement 3700 used in a Discharge. The issue occurs when Teraview users are modifying the party name… Issue with modifying a party name on a Discharge
On June 3, 2023, we introduced a host of new enhancements to Teraview. These enhancements are set out in Bulletin 2023–02, a copy of which can be found in the… Blank Capacity Field warning message
The following enhancements are being implemented in Teraview on June 3rd, 2023. They will allow for an improved customer experience by facilitating document registrations and reducing the number of documents… Bulletin No. 2023-02 Teraview Enhancements
Historically, customers could submit provide evidence to the Land Registry Office prior to the registration of an electronic document in Teraview®. This evidence would then beprovided an index number which… Bulletin 2022-09 Indexing Discontinued
This bulletin describes the various ways that an easement may be removed from title. The Land Registry Office generally refers to this action as: “releasing” an easement (typically, when an… Bulletin 2022-08 Releasing and Deleting Easements
Combined charges are a subset of combined documents and may not be registered on title. Where a charge involves two or more chargors, all of the chargors must have the… Bulletin 2022-07 Combined Charges
This bulletin discusses recent developments relating to the notice of security interest (the “NOSI”), the notice of lease of chattels (“NOLC”), and the Notice of Lodgement of Title.