Teraview Licence Payment and RSA Token Transfer
As of May 1, 2019, Teraview licenses can be purchased online. Visit our new Online Shopping page at: https://www.teranetexpress.ca/csp/onlineshopping/list
Additionally, Teraview Account Holders will be able to transfer a user’s RSA Token when they transfer a user license to a new user. To transfer the token to the new user, select the Transfer options in the RSA Token sections of the Authorized Group Services form and Portas® Personal Security License and RSA Token Application.
If the license being transferred has a hard token (fob), please provide the hard token to the user to whom the license is being transferred. If the license being transferred has a soft token (smartphone application), the user to whom the license is being transferred can download the app to their smartphone.
Upon completion of the Teraview User License transfer, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicant with instructions to create their user profile and activate their token.